Welcome to the Siblings Canada Learning Hub!
Explore our curated collection of free resources that support siblings of people with disabilities.
Created for siblings, by siblings, Savvy Siblings is a free online course that walks participants through the fundamentals of how to meaningfully contribute to their sibling’s financial and overall well-being.
Ce cours en ligne gratuit pouvant être réalisé à votre rythme permet aux adultes canadiens de créer une sécurité financière pour, et avec, leurs frères et sœurs vivants avec des handicaps.
This program matches adults who have siblings with disabilities with the goal of building supportive, one-on-one relationships that are centred around a deep sense of understanding which comes from having similar lived experiences.
Join Zoe for a brief webcast designed to help you determine whether an Acceptance and Commitment Training (ACT) workshop is the right fit for you. This session provides key information to guide your decision with clarity and confidence.
Watch the recording of the celebration of the Canadian launch of Manni and Reuben Coe's memoir, 'brother. do. you. love. me.', hosted by Ali Hassan.
A conversation with Teresa Heartchild, Franke James, Helen Ries and Yona Lunsky about the book "Freeing Teresa: A True Story about My Sister and Me".
When your sibling has a chronic illness or a disability, childhood, and your whole life, can look quite a bit different than what you might expect.
Dr. Pamela Block from Western University joins us to compare state run assistance in Canada and America. She also shares her research on the effects of being a sibling of a person with disabilities.
This guide is for adults who have a sibling with a disability who want to learn how to start or navigate sensitive conversations about the future with their family members.
This guide is for adults who have a sibling with a disability and want to learn more about mental health. If you’re involved in the care or well-being of your sibling with a disability this guide will provide you with information and resources.
Support for organizations, agencies, and community groups in developing and delivering virtual peer meetup programs for adult siblings of people with disabilities.
Siblings Canada develops resources that build the capacity of social service agencies and other disability-focused organizations to better engage and support sibling caregivers.
Support for organizations, agencies, and community groups to develop and deliver peer mentoring programs for adult siblings of people with disabilities.
Support for organizations, agencies, and community groups in developing and delivering virtual peer meetup programs for adult siblings of people with disabilities.