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WEBCAST | A story of two brothers
CourseJoin us for this heartwarming and informative 1-hour discussion with the author of the book “ me” Manni Coe and his brother Rueben as well as Dr. Yona Lunsky from the Azrieli Adult Neurodevelopment Centre and Helen Ries from Sibli
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COURSE | Peer Mentoring
CourseThis program matches adults who have siblings with disabilities with the goal of building supportive, one-on-one relationships that are centred around a deep sense of understanding which comes from having similar lived experiences.
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COURSE | Savvy Siblings: Strengthening the Financial Security of Your Sibling with a Disability
Course4.0 average rating (1 review)Created for siblings, by siblings, Savvy Siblings is a free online course that walks participants through the fundamentals of how to meaningfully contribute to their sibling’s financial and overall well-being.