Understanding the Experiences of Siblings of People with Disabilities

Webcast from April 2023

1.   If you are the sibling of a person with a disability, please respond to these three simple questions after watching the webcast.

2.   If you work with a community agency, service provider or disability organization, please complete our quick survey.

3.   If you'd like, you can download the complete transcript: Understanding the Experiences of Siblings of People with Disabilities Webcast Script.pdf

4.  The following is a list of the webcast's chapters and their corresponding times:

CHAPTER 1 - Welcome! 

  • Lesson #1: The why 00:00-02:16
  • Lesson #2: Introductions 02:16-04:58

CHAPTER 2 - The Sibling Context 

  • Lesson #3: Why siblings matter 04:58-07:46
  • Lesson #4: Impact of COVID-19 07:46-09:28
  • Lesson #5: The nature of sibling relationships 09:28-12:11

CHAPTER 3 - Sibling Priorities 

  • Lesson #6: Mental health 12:11-15:04
  • Lesson #7: Financial security 15:04-18:23
  • Lesson #8: Communicating with family 18:23-21:27 

CHAPTER 4 - Sibling Needs

  • Lesson #9: Supporting mental health 21:27-25:31
  • Lesson #10: Building personal networks 25:31-26:47
  • Lesson #11: Getting sibling specific information 26:47-27:45
  • Lesson #12: Working with service providing organizations 27:45-29:23
  • Lesson #13: Being understood by policy and decision makers 29:23-30:46
  • Lesson #14: Connecting with Siblings Canada 30:46-31:52 

CHAPTER 5 - Concluding Remarks

  • Lesson #15: Before you leave… 31:53-32:43
  • Lesson #16: Wrap up 32:43-33:58