Siblings, Disability & Financial Security

Webcast on The Pulse from November 2022

This webcast is a replay of an interview on AMI's The Pulse with host Joeita Gupta and Siblings Canada co-founder, Helen Ries. Together they discuss:

  • Why Savvy Siblings was created
  • The complexity of disability benefits in Canada
  • What can be learned through Savvy Siblings
  • How ableism influences financial systems
  • What kind of research went into creating the course
  • How and when to have conversations with family
  • The issue of your own financial security
  • What can be learned about inheritances

    The Pulse is a weekly, long-form interview show that dives into issues impacting the disability community across Canada. Host Joeita Gupta is blind and deeply passionate about disability rights.

    The Pulse airs weekly on AMI-audio at 1:30 Eastern Time and is available as a podcast on your favourite platform.

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