Sibling Relationships and the Intersections of Disability, Caregiving & Policy

Massey Dialogues webcast from April 2022

We will hear a rich discussion on the intersections of care, accessibility, family, and sibling relationships. Having a sibling with a disability impacts the lives of their siblings in different ways and, over time, the family structure can shift with the sibling becoming the caregiver. Despite this, siblings are often not recognized as partners in care and little social or financial support is available to strengthen them in their roles. In honour of National Siblings Day, representatives from Siblings Canada (formerly The Sibling Collaborative), speak about their experiences as sibling caregivers, the evolution of their roles through their lifespan and what policy developments they would like to see to better support them. Together with Senior Fellow Liv Mendelsohn, Helen Ries of the National Sibling Collective, and Terrence Ho who is an advocate, caregiver, and connected with Siblings Collective. 

The Dialogues were open to the public and everyone was invited to submit questions to the speakers in real time via the Chat function.